Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Yes, it was a minor hit song by Great White back in 1989, but it recently took on new meaning in my life. After running over an in-ground yellow jacket's nest with the lawn mower last week, I was stung seven time, despite fleeing the scene in record pace. Tonight, the grass needed mowing again and I was forced to return to the site of the attack. Despite having taken steps to eradicate the pests, I was still jumpy when I got near that now vacant hole in the ground.

Sometimes I do my best thinking when cutting the grass and it hit me how many situations in life are similar to me needing to return to face my fears of being stung again. Life throws a lot of situations at us that we may not understand at the time or even days, weeks, or months later. That doesn't mean we should avoid returning to face our fears. In most situations, our fears out weigh the real danger. Don't miss out on some of life's greatest joys because of the fear of being stung or being hurt. Life is short and God is good, so face your fears head-on. Most times you'll find the hole in the ground is empty.


Amy Abbott said...

Mark, I didn't know you blogged, but am so glad to find it. I liked the one about the yellow jackets a lot.

Duck Hunter said...

I saw a church sign this morning that said, in part, "In God we trust. Really?" Reading this post brought me back to that sign. Sometimes we have to be reminded to trust Him.