Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pole Vaulters are one "wild and crazy" bunch

Both of my sons have have taken up pole vaulting as a sport in high school, so I have had the opportunity to attend my share of high school track meets over the last few years. Just watching the pole vaulting event and knowing what the ultimate goal is, amazes me.

I tried this "sport" as a kid in the backyard using the clothes line as my "bar". Yes, in those days, many suburban homes still had a rope in the backyard on which a family could hang clothes to dry. There was a long "pole" used to prop up the clothes line, so the wet clothes wouldn't drag the ground. That prop was my pole. I'm not sure I ever cleared the line, but I sure "took out" my share of clothes that were hung out to dry. When my Mom asked about the grass stains, I probably blamed it on the neighborhood dogs.

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