Friday, December 01, 2006

Congratulations to Jimmy Johnson and Team Lowes Racing!!

No, this isn't turning into a NASCAR page. The day after Jimmy Johnson won the Nextel Cup Championship, the Lowe's Corporate HQ employees were greeted by one of the #48 cars parked out front of our Mooresville facility. (See attached photo) It was a great sight. I learned that day from the Hendricks Motor Sports representative that this wasn't the car that won the championship the day before. There are actually 7-8 cars at any given time that are used for the various races and appearances.
This past Tuesday (11/28/06) marked my one year anniversary with Lowe's. Wow, time sure flies when you are having fun. I work with a really good group of people, but I still miss many of work friends back at what is now CGI-AMS in beautiful, but highly congested Fairfax, VA. I'm still waiting for some of them to visit like they say they will do, but with email, voicemail, instant messaging and blogging, we're never too far away. Two of my recruiters and one of my coordinators have received well deserved promotions this year, so it has been a good year in Corporate Recruiting.
There is so little time and so much to do between now and Christmas, how will everything get done at work and at home? The first 10 Chrsitmas letters have been sent. Now, I'd better get busy on my 2007 Recruiting Strategy.